Percentage Calculator

What is % of


is what percent of


Percentage Calculator:

This calculator helps you quickly find percentages or calculate the percentage of one number relative to another. It's handy for various scenarios such as calculating discounts, sales tax, or tip percentages.

How to Use:

  1. Finding a Percentage:

    • Enter the percentage you want to find in the "What is" field.
    • Enter the total value or whole number in the "% of" field.
    • Click the "Calculate" button.
    • The result will show the calculated percentage of the total value you entered.

    Example: If you want to find 20% of 100, you would enter "20" in the first field and "100" in the second field. Then click "Calculate" to get the result.

  2. Calculating a Percentage:

    • Enter the part value in the "is what" field.
    • Enter the total value or whole number in the "percent of" field.
    • Click the "Calculate" button.
    • The result will show the percentage the part value represents of the total value.

    Example: If you have 25 out of 100 items, you would enter "25" in the first field and "100" in the second field. Then click "Calculate" to get the percentage.