Do you want to make extra income with your smartphone besides your main job? This simple guide will help you with the best side hustle guide you will ever get.
Becoming a billionaire takes a lot of hard work and hard work comes with how you use your time. Like people always say; “Time is money.”
Having your professional job is one step to becoming a billionaire but depending on only one source of income is a prolonged and risky way of finding money. Anything can happen in the future and if it ends badly, you should be able to have other sources of income to back up yourself.
I am here to give you three simple ways I make money sitting at home. You can decide to do these part-time or make them your job just like me.
So for you, Instead of sleeping or watching television during your free time, you can do any of the following things to boost your income.
If you are a teenager, then you should learn how to make money online in Ghana as a teenager. I wrote an awesome article about earlier.
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How To Make Extra Income With Your SmartPhone
Making extra income is one of the keys to financial freedom. Even though it might sound like a very simple task, it is definitely not. Below are some of the ways you can make extra income with your smartphone.
1. Bitcoin
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that is used for online transactions. It is a very expensive coin. One bitcoin is sold between $20,000 and $30,000 at the moment. The most interesting thing about Bitcoin is the fact that you can get Bitcoin free online. It is very simple and very easy. Keep visiting my blog, I will teach you how to mine Bitcoin with even your Android phone.
This is one interesting part you must take note of. I wrote an earlier article about how to get your first free Bitcoin. This is the best guide to get you started with Bitcoin.
2. Blogging
Blogging is the job and weblog/blog is the name. Where you are reading this post is an example of a blog. You can decide to create your blog and post stuff during your leisure. To make an extra income, you will have to display adverts on your blog and make more people visit your blog. Their visits will then convert to money on your advertiser’s network.
This is actually one of the best ways to make extra income from the comfort of your home. You are not only limited to using this as a side hustle. You can turn this into a full-time job and make a living out of it.
I have a full PDF guide on how to create your first blog. You can download it and learn the process. There is a hosting company in Ghana right now where you can buy hosting and pay with mobile money. The company is plugnom and if you use my referral link to purchase, you will get your first purchase with a discount.
3. Dropshipping.
Dropshipping is another form of earning an extra income without doing any hard work. Dropshipping is like selling items that you don’t see or touch to people.
It is not a scam or fraud because the item will be delivered to your customer by a third party and you will earn an extra income for selling the item. It’s a system of online retailing. I will write another article to throw more light on dropshipping soon so keep coming back.
This is one of the easiest ways to make extra income online without capital.
I wrote an article earlier about how to start a dropshipping business with 5 simple steps. You must read that if you really want to learn about dropshipping.
If you really want other sources that will help you make extra income then don’t hesitate to read an article I wrote earlier about how to make money online using TimeBucks. It is one of the best places to begin if you really want to make extra income from the comfort of your phone.
All the things I mentioned above are just something to give you an idea of what you can do with your leisure time to make an extra income for yourself. I will treat each as a topic in separate articles.
I want to know more about the Bitcoin
How to get money