MTN MobileMoney statement is very important in so many cases and visiting the MTN Service center for it can be a very daunting task. Here, I will teach you how to request it from the comfort of your bed.
The MobileMoney statement comes in different types. A mini statement that shows only your last ten transactions with just little details and there is the statement itself which will show all transactions within a specified date range, including all details about the transactions. You can request for upto three years old statement.
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Why Statement?
Basically, most people provide transaction statements in court as evidence when the need arise. Statement also helps you to clearify transactions by yourself without visiting any MTN Service Center.
Some of the details you see in the statement includes date, time, transaction ID, type of transaction, amout, the receipient name and number.
Request For MTN MobileMoney Statement
Before you start the entire process, you must make an email address available for the main statement but for a ministatement, an email address is not required.
I will first give the procedure to request mini statement and after that, I will give the procedure to request the main statement as well.
How To Request Ministatement.
1. Dial *170# and select option 6 (My Wallet)
2. Select Option 4 (Statements)
3. Select Option 2 (Mini statement)
4. You will be asked to input your pincode. Input your pincode and you will receive the last 10 transactions you made on your screen. You can press ‘#‘ to go to the next page if all the ten transactions are not on the same page.
Note: With the Mini statement, you can only see the amount and the date but you won’t be able to know the number the transaction was made to or from.
Basically, you will follow a similar step like the one above but after selecting option 4 (statements), you will have to select option 1 (Statement Request) on the next page.
From there, you select option 2 (Request for statement).
You will be asked to input your current email address on the next screen. Input any active email address where you would like to receive your statement. After that, you will be asked to confirm, type the email address again.
On the next screen, you will be asked to input the Start date of request in this format “day month year”. If you don’t enter in that format, it will give you an error.
Assuming you are requesting for statement for the year 2019, you will have to enter ‘01 01 2019′ on the start date of request form.
Another page will show asking you to input end date of request. There you will put the date ‘31 12 2019‘ (Assuming you are requesting for the year 2019).
After that, you will receive a payment authorization popup of GHS 0.50. Input your secret Pincode to authorize the payment and the statement will be sent to the email address you provided.
Check Your Statement Using My MTN APP
You can also check your statement using the My MTN App but with this, you get to see only the last 50 transactions made on your account. You will be able to see the type of transactions including the numbers.
Log into your My MTN App.
Click on MoMo Services and type your Pincode.
Select ‘My Wallet’ and go to Statements.
Connect your MobileMoney wallet to your bank account and make your transactions easy without any stress and free.
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I’m requesting for 2019 transition that I made
During the request, where they wrote Date from, enter 01012019 where they have written Date to, you can enter 3112019. That will give you all transactions for 2019