11 Ways to Make Money Online in Ghana as a Student

Do you know you can still make money online in Ghana as a student? With your smartphone, you can make as much money as you want using these simple methods I will teach you.

When I was in high school, one of the things I always searched for a way to make some money so I could buy some of the things I valued most.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a way until I got to college when I found out about the online world. My life has changed since then. For the 8 years, I have never worked in any 9 to 5 company.

In this article, I will be divulging some of the ways you can make money online in Ghana as a student. I will tell you all about the methods that I have personally tested and confirmed work.

Top 11 Ways to Make Money Online in Ghana as a Student

If you are a student looking for a way to make money using your mobile phone, then these 11 ways I will list below will be your best bet. All these methods I have listed are ways I have tried over 8 years and can prove that all of them work.

I will try my best to arrange the list in order of the easiest to the toughest. Just note that all these are my opinions of which one was difficult when I tried.

1. Affiliate Marketing

So far, the best money-making venture I have seen is affiliate marketing. First of all, let me answer your question.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Assuming you are a fan of a particular brand of sneakers. You love them so much that you tell your friends about them.
Now, let’s say that the brand has an affiliate program. They might give you a special link to share with your friends.
Whenever someone uses that link to buy those sneakers, you earn a percentage of the total cost as a thanks for sending them a new customer.
That is basically how affiliate marketing works.
You don’t need to worry about making the sneakers, storing them, or shipping them. You just share your link, and you get a reward if someone buys through it.
It’s a win-win because you help the company find new customers and earn extra cash.

What most people do not know is. This particular strategy can be turned into a full business venture where you can about GHC 5,000 or more monthly.

Assuming you have a product that sells GHC 200 and you are getting 50% per sale. You only need 50 sales to make GHC 5,000 every month.

However, finding the right platform and the right skills to promote the products is very difficult.

Trust me, I know a couple of platforms that will help you make more sales for a very encouraging commission. Take a look at some of the sales students using these platforms have made.

How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing

If you want to make money online in Ghana as a student, then you must learn the right skills and use the right platform.

To make as much as what all the others in the screenshot are making, then you need to learn the right skill as well as on the right platform. Follow the steps below to get started.

  • Step 2:
    After purchasing the course, you also have access to promote it and other courses on the platform for 50% and more commission.

This is one of the ways to make money online in Ghana as a student using your smartphone. Below I will give you more ways to make money online in Ghana.

2. TikTok Influencer


Becoming a TikTok influencer in Ghana has become very easy. Anybody with a smartphone can easily become an influencer on TikTok.

This might sound like an easier way out but there is more to it than you can imagine. Becoming an influencer on TikTok is not easy and I will tell you why but before that, let me tell you about the concept of making money on TikTok first.

There are three different ways you can make money on TikTok.

  1. Branded content:
    If you have massive followers, you can create content for brands and get paid. You can also advertise content created by brands and get paid.
  2. Live gifts:
    When you go live on TikTok, your viewers can send you gifts. These gifts are in the form of emojis on TikTok but in reality, it is money. You can withdraw it.
  3. Affiliate Marketing:
    I have explained the concept of affiliate marketing above. You can simply promote your affiliate products on TikTok and you will get a commission especially when you have a large audience.

How to become a TikTok Influencer in Ghana in 3 simple steps

To become a TikTok influencer, follow the steps below.

  1. Planning and Research:
    Planning and research are key parts of the influencer journey. You will have to research the type of content you can create easily which your audience will love. Then you plan on how to deliver the content to your audience.
  2. Creating your content:
    Create multiple content. As many as you can and save them on your phone. Make sure all the content is the same content your audience will like.
  3. Posting consistently:
    Since you have a lot of content saved, start posting them one by one. This will help you have content to post for your audience at least every day.

Why is becoming a TikTok influencer difficult?

It is difficult to stay consistent. Posting the same content without switching to what is trending.

For most people creating and editing videos is a time-consuming task and for others, coming up with a content idea is a big problem. No matter what your problem is, just note that is possible to make $1,000 or more per month from TikTok.

TikTok is one of the ways to make money online in Ghana as a student using your smartphone. If you are ready, you can just install the TikTok app and start.

3. Freelancing


Freelancing has been one of the best ways to make money online in Ghana as a student. Even professionals make money online using this particular method. But the question is; What is Freelancing?

What is freelancing?

The concept of freelancing is very simple. You have a skill, you go online and post the skill and people who require your skill will hire you and pay you.
You do not need any professional skills as a student to venture into this line of business. If you can read and write, you can sell your writing skills as a freelancer.

How to become a freelancer in Ghana

Freelancing is very lucrative if you have the right information. Below are some simple steps you can follow to start your freelancing business:

  • Finding the right platform
    When it comes to freelancing, finding the right platform is very important. The most popular sites guarantee the easiest access to clients.
    Some of the most popular sites include fiverr.com and upwork.com. These are some of the most popular freelancing platforms where if you have the right skills, you can get clients easily. If you are in Ghana, you should also consider 15ghana.com.
  • Refine your skill
    Even though you do not need any professional skills to become a freelancer, you still have to polish the skills you already have to offer them as a service.
    For instance, if your only skill is reading and writing, you will have to refine it. You can polish up as a copywriter, product review writer, etc. All these are easy to do if you already know how to read and write.
  • Post your skills and build a portfolio
    With the internet as the major source of information, it is very easy for people to access your information as long as you can find a way to put it out there.
    Make sure to build a portfolio of your skills. If you want to become a copywriter, then make sure you have some work out there to prove that you are very good at what you do.

With this basic knowledge of freelancing, you should be able to make money online in Ghana as a student.

4. Surveys and Micro Tasks

Surveys and Micro Tasks

You can also make money online in Ghana as a student simply by performing micro tasks and partaking in surveys. Microtask and survey sites are simple sites where people post simple tasks like asking you to like their videos, share their videos, comment on their videos, etc.

With these simple tasks, you get paid. It might not look encouraging at first but with time, you can accumulate enough to withdraw.

As for how to do that, I will provide all the necessary information you need below

How to make money online in Ghana as a student with surveys and micro tasks

To make money online in Ghana with surveys and micro-tasks, you must first know the right platforms where you can work and get paid for your time.

  • Sign up to a survey site
    One of the popular survey and microtasks websites so far is TimeBucks. I created a full guide on how to sign up, earn, and withdraw in an earlier article.
  • Work at least 1 hour per day
    Time is money and the more time you spend working, the more money you should be making. With Timebucks and similar websites, you must work hard and put in a lot of man-hours.

If you follow these two steps carefully, you should be able to make some money using survey sites. The trick is to work multiple survey sites and find the easiest tasks only.

5. Blogging


Blogging is one of the best ways to make money online. It is completely legit and can make you as much as you can imagine.

How does blogging work?

The concept of blogging is very simple. It is like having your own little space on the internet where you can share your thoughts, experiences, or knowledge with others. It’s kind of like writing in a journal, but instead of keeping it private, you’re putting it out there for anyone who wants to read it.

People write blogs about all sorts of things—like travel, cooking, fashion, or just their everyday life. It’s a way to connect with others who have similar interests and to express yourself creatively.

What is more fun about this is if you get more people to read your content, advertisers can pay you to advertise to your audience. The interesting part is you don’t have to go around looking for advertisers. Google and other advertising companies make it easier.

On average, a blogger earns not less than $500 per month. If you want to make money online in Ghana as a student, you should consider blogging.

I have a full guide on how to create your own blog in Ghana. You can read that to learn more about how to get started.

6. YouTube


YouTube is like a big online library where you can watch all kinds of videos. It’s not just for watching videos. People use YouTube to share all sorts of stuff—like tutorials on how to do things, funny skits, music videos, or even educational videos.

You can also share your videos just like most of the channels on there are doing. The best part is if you do it well, you will get paid by advertisers.

How to become a YouTuber

Becoming a YouTuber means creating your videos and sharing them on YouTube for others to watch. It’s like being a filmmaker, but instead of showing your movies in theaters, you upload them to the internet for people to enjoy.

To become a YouTuber, you first need to decide what kind of content you want to make. It could be anything—from gaming videos to cooking tutorials, to vlogs about your daily life. Then, you’ll need to create your videos. This might involve filming yourself, editing the footage, and adding things like music or special effects.

Once your videos are ready, you upload them to your YouTube channel. Your channel is like your own little corner of the internet where all your videos live. You can customize it with a profile picture, banner, and description to make it your own.

To grow your channel and become successful, you’ll need to attract viewers. This means promoting your videos on social media, using keywords and tags to help people find them, and engaging with your audience by responding to comments and messages.

As your channel grows, you might even be able to make money from your videos through things like advertising, sponsorships, or merchandise sales.

This is one of the best ways to make money online in Ghana as a student. Just post videos with your phone and get paid.

7. Amazon Kindle Publishing

Amazon Kindle Publishing

Back in the days, Kindle publishing used to be a thing for only professional authors. These days, anybody with a smartphone can publish on Amazon Kindle and get the same money as professional publishers.

How it works

First, you write your book, whether it’s a novel, a cookbook, or anything else you can think of. Then, you format it to look good on Kindle devices and upload it to the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform. Once it’s uploaded, people all around the world can buy and download your book from the Kindle Store.

You can set your price for your book and earn royalties each time someone buys it. Plus, you have control over things like the cover design and book description. It’s a great way if you want to make money online in Ghana as a student. You don’t need a company or have to be professional to start publishing.

If you are interested in learning, there is an Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing full course available that you can study to get started.

8. Selling Stock Photos

Selling Stock Photos

Stock photos are pictures that are already taken and ready to be used for various purposes. They’re like a collection of images that you can choose from when you need a picture for something like a website, a presentation, or an advertisement.

People take stock photos and upload them to websites where others can buy and download them. These photos cover all sorts of topics, like nature scenes, people doing everyday activities, or objects like food and technology.

When people buy a stock photo, they usually pay a fee, and then they have the right to use that photo in whatever way they want, depending on the license agreement. This makes it easy for businesses, designers, and individuals to find high-quality images for their projects without having to take the photos themselves.

How you can make money with this as a student

To make money online in Ghana as a student using stock photos as leverage, there are two ways you can do it. I will give you two ways you can do it.

You can use your mobile phone as a camera to take your photos if you have a smartphone with a very nice camera. You only have to take photos of every nice scene you see. If you can’t take photos, there is another way to get photos.

Most stock photo marketplaces accept AI-generated images now. This gives you a better opportunity to even make more money without taking any photos.
All you have to do is to generate AI photos and sell them to get your money.

After generating your images, you can sell them on WireStock. Wirestock is one of the best marketplaces where you can sell your images.

9. Cryptocurrency


When it comes to cryptocurrency, most people back down completely. But truth be told, it is not that scary especially if you know how it works and what exactly you are doing.

You can go full risk by investing physical cash into it if you have or you can simply go after airdrops. If you are someone looking to make money online in Ghana as a student, I won’t advise you to invest money in cryptocurrencies. Rather, I will advise you to go after the airdrops.

What is airdrop?

Sometimes, cryptocurrency projects want to spread the word about their coin or token, so they decide to give some away for free. They might do this to reward their loyal users, attract new people to their community, or just generate interest in their project.

To participate in an airdrop, you usually just need to have a certain cryptocurrency wallet or be a member of a specific online community, like a social media group or a cryptocurrency forum. Then, when the airdrop happens, the project will send you some of their tokens or coins directly to your wallet, completely for free!

This is the best way to get some free crypto and when the value of the particular coin goes up, you can smile.

As of the time of this network, the Pi network is giving free crypto as well as the PEPE coin.

Note that, it takes a long time before you can cash out from this particular kind of online business.

10. Forex Trading

Forex Trading

Forex Trading is not something I will recommend if you want to make money online in Ghana as a student. The risk involved is very high.

Forex Trading is simply buying and selling digital currencies to turn a profit. It might sound as easy as that but the risk factor is knowing when to buy and when to sell.

Below are some tips for you if you want to make money online in Ghana as a student of forex trading.

  1. Buying Low, Selling High:
    The main idea behind making money in forex trading is to buy a currency when it’s cheaper and sell it when it’s more expensive. So, if you think the value of a currency is going to go up, you buy it. Then, when its value increases, you sell it to make a profit.
  2. Selling High, Buying Low:
    Conversely, you can also make money by selling a currency when you think its value will drop and then buying it back later when it’s cheaper. This is called “short selling.”
  3. Making Predictions:
    To make money consistently, traders try to predict which way currency prices will move based on various factors like economic news, government policies, and global events.
  4. Leverage:
    Many traders use leverage, which is like borrowing money from their broker to amplify their trading power. This can potentially increase profits, but it also increases the risk of losses.
  5. Managing Risk:
    Since forex trading involves risks, it’s crucial to manage them wisely. Traders often use tools like stop-loss orders to limit potential losses and set clear goals for their trades.
  6. Continuous Learning:
    Successful forex traders are always learning and adapting to market changes. They stay informed about economic indicators, market trends, and trading strategies to improve their chances of making profitable trades.
  7. Practice and Patience:
    Like any skill, becoming proficient in forex trading takes time and practice. Beginners should start with a demo account to practice trading without risking real money and gradually transition to live trading once they feel confident.

Overall, making money with forex trading is about buying and selling currencies at the right time based on careful analysis and informed predictions. It’s a skill that can be learned with dedication, practice, and a willingness to learn from both successes and failures.

If you want to learn more there is a full forex trading course that will mentor you through the entire process. You can study it to get started.

11. Mini-Importation

11. Mini-Importation

This is one of the methods you can make money online in Ghana as a student. But you have to invest some capital first.

Mini-importation is a method of buying goods from manufacturers or suppliers in other countries at wholesale prices and selling them in your own country for a profit. Here’s how you can make money online in Ghana as a student through mini-importation:

  1. Market Research:
    Start by researching products that are in demand in Ghana. Look for items that are not readily available locally or are expensive to buy locally but have a high demand.
  2. Find Suppliers:
    Once you’ve identified the products you want to sell, look for reliable suppliers or manufacturers, primarily from countries like China, India, or Turkey, where goods are often produced at lower costs. Websites like Alibaba, AliExpress, or DHgate are popular platforms to find suppliers.
  3. Product Selection:
    Choose products that are lightweight, easy to ship, and have a good profit margin. Consider factors like quality, shipping costs, and import duties when selecting your products.
  4. Start Small:
    As a student, you might have limited capital, so start with a small batch of products to test the market and gain experience. This will also help you minimize the risk of potential losses.
  5. Set Up an Online Store:
    Create an online store or use existing platforms like social media, e-commerce websites, or online marketplaces to showcase your products. Platforms like Facebook Marketplace, Instagram, or even WhatsApp can be used to reach potential customers.
  6. Marketing and Promotion:
    Utilize social media, digital marketing, and word-of-mouth to promote your products. Share engaging content, offer discounts, and engage with your audience to build trust and attract customers.
  7. Customer Service:
    Provide excellent customer service to build a loyal customer base. Respond promptly to inquiries, address any issues or concerns, and strive to exceed customer expectations.
  8. Manage Finances:
    Keep track of your expenses, including product costs, shipping fees, and taxes. Price your products competitively while ensuring you make a profit. Consider offering discounts or bundle deals to attract customers.
  9. Scale Up:
    Once you’ve established a successful selling model and gained some traction, consider scaling up your business by expanding your product range, investing in marketing efforts, or exploring new sales channels.
  10. Continuous Learning and Adaptation:
    Stay updated with market trends, consumer preferences, and changes in regulations. Be open to learning from your experiences and adapt your strategies accordingly to stay competitive in the market.

By following these steps and staying dedicated, you can leverage mini-importation to make money online in Ghana as a student. It requires effort, persistence, and a willingness to learn, but it can be a rewarding and profitable venture.

If you want to get started faster, then you should take this mini-importation course that will teach you how to start mini-importation without an agent.


I have outlined all the necessary steps you need to know to make money online in Ghana as a student. All these steps might seem like an easy way to get some cash while still in school but trust me, you can turn any of them into a full-fledged business.

I have personally tried all these methods and I can confirm that they work. If you put in the effort, dedication, and time, you can take any of these methods and make more money consistently from them compared to what the 8 to 5 workers make per month.

If you want a mentor or someone who has experience in making money online, then you can contact me at https://linktr.ee/slimzydeoriginal. I will be very glad to mentor you and help you grow your online business for free.

I have been doing this online business since 2016 so you are in safe hands if you choose me as your mentor.

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