UCT Email: Everything You Must Know About The Account

UCT Email is one of a kind email account for both student and staff. There are so many things you can use the email account for and here is a guide to help you out.

The UCT email is given to students after a successful application. The students’ email comes in the format “[email protected]“. Postdoctoral students and all UCT staff members have their emails in the format “[email protected].za“.

These emails serve so many purposes during the academic life of a student. It is the same email that the university communicates through and it also has so many features that students will need.

Features Of The UCT Email

There are so many features that come with the email which students must know and utilize.

  • The email is a Premium Microsoft Email which means you can get access to some Premium Microsoft products for free.
  • Student email accounts come with 100GB of mailbox storage and 1TB of Secure OneDrive cloud storage.
  • Staff email accounts come with 100GB of mailbox storage and 100GB of Archive mailbox storage.
  • Every mailbox gets access to Instant Messenger for both group and private communications.
  • You can access Premium Microsoft Office suite features for free using your email address.
  • Unlike many other institutional emails, this one gives you easy access on both mobile and computers. You can also download simple apps and sync your email accounts with them.

These and many other features are what you get when using the UCT Email account.

UCT Email Login

Since the account is a Microsoft account, it is easy to log in from both mobile devices and computers. Let us take a quick look at the UCT email login.

If you want to log in from the computer, there are many ways you can do it.

  • The easiest way to log in from the computer is to simply open a browser and go to the Microsoft Login Page.
  • Enter your email and password. That is it. You should successfully log in.

There is also an app that comes pre-installed on Windows computers which you can use to access your email.

For Mobile Users

It is very easy if you use the Outlook mobile app. You can get it from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.

Download the app and install it.

Open and log in with your email address and password. That is it.

How To Log Into OneDrive

OneDrive is a Microsoft Cloud storage account. This account allows you to store your files online and also makes it possible for you to access the files anywhere.

  • To access OneDrive, simply open a browser and go to the login page.
  • Enter your email address and leave the password blank.
  • Click on Sign In
  • Enter your student number and password now.
  • Click on the OneDrive icon to get access to your files.

There is also an easier setup where you can synchronize your OneDrive storage with your computer so that you can get easy access to your files.
This setup includes OneDrive automatically backing up the files you choose on your computer.
To synchronize your computer with OneDrive, check the setup tutorial from the Microsoft website.

What You Must Know

There are certain things you must know about using the UCT email accounts. These things are very important so you must take them very seriously.

The email account you get right after your application is only for use during your life at the University of Cape Town. After you complete your studies, the email will no longer be accessible.

It also means the OneDrive account and all your files in there will be inaccessible too. To be safe, make a backup of all your files onto different private cloud storage or external hard disk.

Your email and password are your private property as a UCT student that means you should not share them with anyone. If you get them compromised, it is definitely at your own risk.


In Short, it is very important to know how the email account works and how to log in. You must also remember the features of the account and how to utilize them.

You should also know that when you leave the institution, the institution will take their stuff back so know what you keep in there.

If you have any problem send an email to [email protected] or call 021 650-4500.

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