UKZN Moodle is the Learning Management System for the University of KwaZulu-Natal. It is very important for students to know how to use the system effectively.
I have covered many topics about the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal in my past articles. Some of the topics I covered includes; UKZN Student Central, UKZN email, and another topic about the UKZN library.
There is still more topics to cover about the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal including this interesting one.
I provide you with one of the best UKZN Moodle tutorials you will ever get online. Before we delve into the tutorial, kindly take a quick look at the table of content below. It shows the overview of the content on this page. You can click on any of the links to jump to the article of your choice.
Table of Contents - Click To Jump To Topic
What you must know
Most of the Universities in South Africa make use of the Sekai Learning management. But some still have different names for their LMS just like in the previous article I wrote about North-West University’s eFundi.
Most of the time, the name comes from the kind of LMS software the Univesity is using. The University of KwaZulu-Natal is using Moodle Learning Management system.
Is it different from other schools?
What extra benefits do students get using UKZN Moodle?
I will answer all these questions and many other things you are thinking about right now.
UKZN Moodle Features
Since the UKZN Moodle is an LMS, it means it should deal with courses and other learning fields which is very general to all LMS. But Moodle adds some interesting touches to being just an LMS.
How Moodle work is that it allows both students and teachers to still serve their purposes outside the classroom.
It serves as an e-Learning platform where lecturers can upload their course materials and students will study remotely. Lecturers can also set their quizzes or exams through this platform and students will write them remotely.
There are so many things students can do with Moodle. Below are some of the things you can do with Moodle.
- The main purpose of the LMS is for remote learning and teaching so it allows students to join available courses and study.
- You can draw learning timetables which will also double as reminders for learning. This feature is available in the Moodle dashboard.
- Students can also check their grades through the platform. This makes it easier for you to know if you are performing or under-performing.
- There is also a chat feature that allows students to join study groups or have private conversation with peers.
These are some of the features of UKZN Moodle. There are other features that you must use the system to know.
UKZN Moodle Login
Since this is part of the many UKZN platforms, you must use your LAN username and password to log in.
- To login, simply go to
- Enter your LAN Username
- Enter your password and click on the Login button.
If all the information is correct, you should successfully log in.
You should also note that Moodle use to be on this URL: But as of 2022, the Moodle on that URL is no longer in use.
The Moodle for the University of KwaZulu-Natal is currently on This also means teachers must manually migrate their courses and other valuable settings from the old Moodle to the new one. Below is the procedure to migrate.
How To Migrate Courses
To be able to migrate courses from the old Moodle to the new one, you must be a teacher in the same course on both platforms.
The procedure is just two-way. You must Backup your courses from the old platform and Restore the backup on the new platform.
- Go to the old Moodle and log in at the login page which is:
- Enter your old course
- Select “Backup” under the Administration options.
- Check the “Include activities and resources” and “Include question bank” checkboxes. Click “Next” when you are done.
- Uncheck “Announcements” and “QPA Questionaires” then click the next button.
- Click “Perform Backup” and wait for backup to complete then click on “Download” to download it.
- Now go to
- Scroll to the Administration options and click on “Restore“.
- Use the “Choose a file” option to locate and upload your file or just locate the file, drag and drop it into the uploader.
- If you finish uploading the file, click on “Restore“.
- Make sure “Merge the backup into this course” is checked and click continue.
- Make sure “Overwrite course configuration” is set to No.
- Click “Perform Restore“
That is it. Your course is now on the new UKZN Moodle platform.
It is very important to know how to use UKZN Moodle since it is the only way you can learn outside the classroom. As a student, you must also know that the old platform is no longer in use which leaves you with no option but to use the new platform.
As a lecturer, you must also know how to transfer your courses from the old platform to the new one. This will save you time from preparing a whole new course from scratch.
Is there anything you think I should have touched on but I didn’t? Leave a comment and I will reply as early as I can.