How To Write A Good Resume That Stands Out


This is the easiest way to write a good resume that stands out. A good resume will always get you a step closer to employment.

Writing a resume is very simple but the problem most people get is confusing Resume with Curriculum Vitae. From what I know, they are similar but both are still two different things.

What Is A Resume?

Just like Curriculum Vitae (CV), it is a document that tells an individual’s school and working history. It also shows the person’s skills and experiences.

Unlike a CV, this document just gives a summary of everything without going into much detail.

How To Write A Good Resume That Stands Out

Writing a Resume is very simple. Much simpler than writing a CV. I personally write a new Resume anytime I want to apply for a job.

The reason why I do that, I will explain in the process below.


Before you write a Resume, you first have to know the kind of job you are applying to. This will not only help you write a good resume but also allow you to keep it brief and short.

  • The first thing you must put on your Resume should be your name and contact information. Most employers prefer to compare the Resumes and contact the interviewees later.
  • The next thing should be your educational background. It will be best to start listing your schools from High School to college, University, etc. Do not forget to add courses that you took that you think might be key to get that particular job. Also make sure you date your claims.
  • List your certificates. If you have taken any courses that will be key to the particular job, list it as well and make sure you provide a copy.
  • List your skills. Forget about skills that will not help you on the field of work. You might only end up having a bulky Resume. List only the skills that you think you need to get that particular job.
  • List your working experiences as well. It will be very awesome if you worked with some reputable companies.
  • List Achievements and Milestones if you have any, especially one that your employer might be interested in.

You are done. You have to keep everything as short as possible when writing a Resume. You have to make sure your Resume will not be more than two pages.


The reason why I write different Resume every time is that I have lots of different skills and experiences. For instance, I am a Graphics And Website Designer, I have taken few marketing courses but professionally, I am a hardware technician.

So if I am applying for a job as a hardware technician, I do not have to add any other skills apart from my hardware-related skills and experiences.

So keep your Resume as short as possible. If you have any questions or suggestions, kindly leave a comment below.


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