All New MTN Ghana Data Bundles

Choose from a diverse range of MTN Ghana data bundles. This simple guide reveals the one that will save you money and the one that will help you download and stream “Saaa!!!” till you can’t take it anymore.

Get ready to dive into some of the cheapest and most useful MTN Ghana data bundles currently available. If you want the inside scoop on the best internet bundles out there, you’ve come to the right place.

In this complete guide, we’ll be breaking down all the MTN Ghana data bundles for this year. The internet has been an absolute game-changer, making life easier and transforming everything from business to education. But to tap into its incredible potential, you need one thing – data!

In Ghana, the biggest provider when it comes to keeping you connected is MTN. With over a third of the country subscribed, they dominate the landscape. So if you’re looking for the latest and greatest data deals to power all your browsing needs, MTN is likely your main squeeze.

This article will outline all the packages MTN currently has on offer. We’ll be taking a deep dive into every internet and data plan available, from the cheapest of the cheap to options offering incredible value. You’ll learn exactly what’s on the table, how much it costs, and how to activate it.

Whether you need a bare-bones data plan for the occasional Google search or want hours of streaming videos and music every night, there are MTN Ghana bundles that are just right for you. We’ve got all the inside information you need to pick the perfect one. So sit back, get comfy, and let us guide you through all the data decision-making!

MTN Ghana Data Bundles

Now that we’re all caught up on why internet bundles matter, let’s jump right into breaking down the different data options MTN Ghana offers. Get ready to meet your perfect data match!

1. Midnight Bundles

Midnight Bundles

Kicking off our journey through MTN data land, we have the Midnight Bundles. As you cleverly may have guessed, these bundles are geared specifically towards night owls. All you late-night YouTube bingers and Netflix junkies pay close attention.

The Midnight Bundles let you access high-speed, glorious internet between the hours of 12 am and 5 am every single day. We’re talking lightning-quick downloading and crystal-clear video streaming in the dead of night. Outside of these vampire hours, your Midnight data hibernates, so no using it to scroll through Instagram at noon!

For just GHS 1, you can get 1.73GB of late-night data. You can nab 7.25GB for GHS 3 if you need more megabyte action. Not too shabby for enjoying hours of uninterrupted alien documentaries and cat videos!

To subscribe for the cheapest bundle, just dial *138# and follow these simple steps:

  1. Select option 1
  2. Choose option 2
  3. Choose option 1 if you want to purchase for yourself
  4. Hit option 1 one more time for the FLexi where you decide an amount between GHS 0 -2.99 or simply go for option 2 (Standard) which gives you 7.25GB for GHS 3.00. 
  5. After selection, you can decide to make payment via your Airtime account or Mobile Money wallet

And bam – late-night data is yours! Now just kick back and let the bingeing begin. Stay tuned for more sweet data deals coming your way… We wrote an earlier article about the Top 5 Cheapest MTN Data Bundles in Ghana. You can read it to learn more about cheap bundles.

2. MTN Basic Packages

MTN Basic Package

Now on to the next data bundle bounty – the MTN Basic Packages. This is one of the most popular MTN Ghana data bundles. These plans are geared towards casual internet users who just need some megabyte action for light web browsing, social media scrolling, and the occasional YouTube session. 

Not too demanding, just simple everyday internet.

The Basic Packages offer something for every budget. You can grab 17.79MB for as low as GHS 0.50 or max out with a 92.88GB plan for GHS 350. And no need to worry about using it or losing it, these bundles never expire!

Here’s a quick rundown of what’s on the menu data-wise for the Basic Packages:

  • 17.79MB for GHS 0.50
  • 35.57MB for GHS 1
  • 349.24MB for GHS 3
  • 718.91MB for GHS 10
  • 92.88GB for GHS 350

And get this – plans go all the way up to 92.88GB if you reeeally need some serious data!

To subscribe MTN Ghana data bundles, 

  1. Dial *138#
  2. Select Option 1
  3. Choose option 1 again for the basic packages
  4. Select option 1 again if you want purchase for yourself. 
  5. Now select the package you want to subscribe to
  6. Make payment with your Airtime account or Mobile Money wallet

Note that you can get 50% bonus on all purchases if you purchase with the MTN Mobile App using your Mobile Money wallet.

Whether you just need to squeeze out a few emails or binge an entire series in one night, there’s a Basic Package with your name on it. Simple, affordable internet for the everyday user on the go. No contracts, no commitments!

Now on to the next MTN Ghana data bundle offering…are you sensing a pattern here? MTN has options on options when it comes to getting you connected!

3. MTN Kokrokoo

All New MTN Ghana Data Bundles - MTN Kokrokoo

Up next we have the MTN Kokrokoo data bundle, bringing some early bird specials to the table. As you smart folks probably guessed, this bundle is catering to our early-rising friends. If your mornings start before the crack of dawn, listen up!

The Kokrokoo bundle activates between the hours of 4 am and 8 am, prime time for catching up on the news, weather, emails, and memes before the rest of the world awakes. For the ultra-affordable price of GHS 1.24, you get 400MB of browsing data and 20 minutes of sweet talk time. Now that’s something to rise and shine for!

Activating this chirping early bird deal only takes a few simple steps:

  1. Dial *138#
  2. Select option 1
  3. Choose option 3
  4. Then select option 1 to purchase for yourself
  5. Hit option 1 one last time and make the payment

And chirp chirp – Kokrokoo data is yours for the early morning taking! 

400MB may not seem like a ton, but it’s plenty for scanning the headlines, checking a few sites, and gearing up for the day ahead. 

Take advantage of those quiet morning moments in data land.

Alright, folks, we’re halfway through our MTN data bundle tour – still feeling connected? Good! ‘Cause we got even more deals coming your way…

4. Social Media Bundle

MTN Social Bundles-min

Next up we have a bundle tailored just for you social butterflies who are always up on the latest tweets, ‘grams, snaps, and TikTok happenings. Introducing the MTN Social Media Bundle!

Alright social media cronies, this data bundle is dedicated just for you. We all know it’s virtually impossible to survive these days without having 24/7 access to our favourite social platforms. Well MTN Ghana has a tailored data plan so you can keep endlessly scrolling. Introducing…the Social Media Bundle!

As the name suggests, this bundle grants you unlimited access to all your go-to social sites and apps for one simple payment.

 We’re talking Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Snapchat – no FOMO here! This data plan has you covered.

The Social Media Bundle grants you unlimited browsing of all the major platforms. However, it can only be used for social stuff, no searching on Google or watching YouTube. Strictly for sainting those profile pics and watching Stories my friends!

Here are the amount and data breakdowns:

  • GHS 1 for 70.87MB
  • GHS 5 for 354.36MB
  • GHS 10 for a whopping 708.72MB

To subscribe to MTN Social Bundle, just dial *138#

  1. Select option 1
  2. Type 99 for more
  3. Choose option 1 and select Flexi or Standard depending on what you want
  4. Make payment with an Airtime account or Mobile Money and that is it. 

Now you can scroll to your heart’s content without worrying about busting your data. MTN’s Social Media Bundle is a simple way to access all your faves in one place. Take your linking, sharing, and profile creeping to the next level!

5. Turbonet Bundles 

MTN Turbonet Bundles

And now for the grand finale data bundles – the powerhouse Turbonet Bundles! If you’re a real data-heavy hitter with some serious browsing demands, the Turbonet plans will satisfy even the highest megabyte cravings. We’re talking enterprise-level connections here folks.

So first things first – what is this mythical Turbonet I speak of? Well, the Turbonet router is a specialized high-speed device available exclusively from MTN Ghana. You’ll need one of these beasts to access the plans we’re about to get into.

Once you have the router in hand, you unlock the door to some massive data offerings:

  • 4.30GB for GHS 43
  • 8.69GB for GHS 87
  • 91.81GB for GHS 253
  • A whopping 350.54GB for GHS 516!

We told you these MTN Ghana data bundles meant business! 

With a Turbonet router and sim card, you’ll enjoy blazing fast internet perfect for full families, businesses, or power user needs.

To grab one of these mega Turbonet plans, just dial *5057# MTN short code on your Turbonet linked number. And brace yourself – once these mammoth bundles start flowing, you’ll be blown away by the lightning-fast speeds!

There is a full tutorial on How to subscribe to MTN Turbonet Data bundles. Read it to learn the entire subscription process. 

Whew, we just whizzed through all the current MTN Ghana data offerings available. 

6. MTN Zone bundle

All New MTN Ghana Data Bundles - MTN Zone

Now let’s shine the spotlight on another great offering – the MTN Zone Bundles!

Catering to users looking for short-term data with no strings attached, Zone Bundles provide burst of instant internet to get you through the day. We’re talking data that expires within 24 hours folks. These plans are perfect for those random times when you need a hit of data but don’t want a long-term commitment.

The Zone Bundle breaks down into three straightforward options. Depending on your location, you can get these: 

  • GHS 2.99 for 1GB
  • GHS 3.99 for 2GB
  • GHS 5.99 for 5GB

Whether you just need to cover some light browsing until payday or want to binge-watch that new show everyone’s raving about, the Zone Bundles have got your back.

Scooping up these temporary tasty data deals only takes a quick second:

  1. Dial *135#
  2. Select option 2
  3. Select Zone bundles and you should see the available packages for you. 

Once activated, your 24-hour data clock starts ticking. So be sure to use it up before time runs out! Note that these packages come differently depending on your location.

For those random moments when you’re craving some data but don’t want to commit, the MTN Zone Bundles provide the perfect quick fix. Stop delaying and start browsing now with these fast-acting data deals!

Alright, NOW we’ve covered all the major MTN Ghana bundle options available. Let’s keep this data train rolling

Note that MTN Ghana data bundles have depreciated in value and all the prices quoted here reflect the new data charges as released by MTN Ghana.

There are cheaper MTN Ghana data bundles for companies and associations. If you want to know about that, then read an earlier guide we wrote about MTN Master Beneficiary dat bundles.

Saving on Data Bundles

Follow these straightforward tips to reduce your data costs:

  • Take advantage of limited-time promotions for free data
  • Connect to WiFi whenever available instead of mobile data
  • Monitor your monthly usage and downgrade plans if needed
  • Use data compression apps like Opera Mini to save data

Getting Help from MTN

If you have an account issue, contact MTN by:

  • Calling 100 to reach 24/7 customer support
  • Visiting your nearest MTN service center
  • Asking an MTN MoMo agent for quick assistance
  • Sending a DM on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram

There is a full guide on how to contact MTN Ghana. You should also read that. 

I believe you still have some questions in mind that you would like to get answered. Take a look at some of these questions that people are asking about the MTN data packages.

How Much is 10GB MTN Data in Ghana?

MTN 10GB in Ghana costs GHC 127.10. You can check for yourself.
Step 1: Dial *138#
Step 2: Option 1 > Option 1 > Option 1 > Option 1
Step 3: Enter the amount which is 127.10 and proceed. The amount of data you should see as of the time of this article is exactly 10GB.

How Do You Buy Data on MTN Ghana?

You can buy data on MTN Ghana by dialling *138#. This works even on Non-Smartphones.
There are several other ways you can buy Data on MTN Ghana. You can use the MyMTN App and there are other third-party options including Hubtel, Expresspay, Jumiapay, etc.


With bundles for every lifestyle, MTN Ghana has a data plan that clicks with your browsing needs. Match usage habits to the right fit.
Saving on data is simple when you monitor usage, take advantage of deals, and tap into WiFi. A few tweaks keep cash in your pocket!
From midnight bingers to early birds to social addicts, MTN gets everyone connected with tailored bundles.
Got issues? MTN customer support is just a tap, call, or DM away on 100, social channels, or at service centers.
As networks expand with 5G and fiber, insane data speeds are coming to take our browsing higher!

MTN Ghana data bundles are a huge part of today’s world. Almost everyone in the world now relies on data for communication and business transactions. It’s therefore important that people have enough knowledge of the various data packages available to them. So, they can make informed decisions on which one to go for.

MTN Ghana data bundles were discussed in this article. We hope the article answers all your questions and you enjoyed it as well. Feel free to share your questions and comments with us in the comment box below.

If you want some of the cheapest MTN Ghana data bundles, then read my earlier article about How to get cheap data bundles on MTN. You should also check the flyer below.

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