Narrowing Down The Contents Of

Dear users,

Thank you so much for staying with this blog over these years. Its been over six years since I built this awesome information portal.

Reason For SLiMFACTSGh

Before bringing this blog to the existence, the whole idea that I had was to help people solve their petty technical challenges and help people answer their questions about certain products and services.

I wrote about many different topics based on the queries I see people put out there.

It was a very successful journey since I get a lot of people hitting me in my inbox most of the time.

Writing about almost everything was very awesome because everything I write about is always inspired by someone looking for answers.

Trust me, a lot of people rely on my blog to solve most of their problems.

What Next?

Even though the blog helped solved lots of problems, I realized it doesn’t feel right writing about almost everything.

It is difficult to exhibit my expertise most of the time and the blog itself looks clustered with most of the contents not actually relating to each other.

I have decided to narrow down my writeups to a specific topic where I am an expert and can write anytime and keep the contents more related.

It is still in the problem-solving industry and it is going to be a blast. I will still keep the old contents but there will not be such new content.

All the new content will be on a particular topic throughout so if you see a particular topic running throughout the whole blog, kindly note it is the effect of the change.

Thank You

I am very happy you have been a subscriber or an audience to my blog. I really appreciate the effort you put in reading articles on my blog.

I promise to narrow my topic but still help you solve your problems.

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