Best TUT Online Application Guide

If you want to file a TUT online application, you need proper guidance to increase your chances of getting admission. This simple guide is the best you will ever get.

The first step to becoming a student at the Tshwane University of Technology is to file your TUT Online Application.

Yes!, Some will choose to file a traditional post mail TUT application, that is completely fine. No matter which way you apply, that is definitely the first step for you.

  • Is TUT Open for applications?
  • How do I apply?
  • What are the academic requirements?
  • What time will the application close?

These are some of the many questions that demand answers and I am here to answer them for you.

While it is very easy to get the application form and fill, it is very difficult to fill out the form if you don’t know much about the application itself.

Kindly check the table of contents to know exactly the topics I treated on this page. You can also click on any of the topics to jump to the particular article.

When do TUT applications open and close?

TUT Applications for every academic year open on 1 April of the year prior to the study and will close on 30 September of the same year. When the Application opens, there are so many factors that will cause the closure of the application earlier sometimes.

The Tshwane University of Technology always has a limited number of admissions. If this number fills quicker, there will be no more admissions. On the other hand, if the maximum threshold is not reached within the application period, then the University will accept late applications.

If you are interested in applying to other universities, you can check out this amazing guide I wrote about the UP online application. 

TUT online application requirements

Since this is a tertiary institution, it is only fair for applicants to have some required academic results in order to get admission.

While some programmes require better academic performance in specific subjects, below are the general admission requirements for the Tshwane University of Technology applicants.

Note that you might not get admission if you do not comply with these.

  • At least a Pass Mark in English at Senior High Level. (Minimum requirements for certain programmes may demand a first or Home language status).
  • Other programmes will require the applicant to write admission tests which will determine whether the applicant should get admission or enroll in a foundation course.
  • Prospective students must also note that the requirements for some of the programmes can change from year to year.
  • All learners are required to take Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy for NSC-G purposes. Mathematics is relevant to programs that require prior knowledge. But the rest might only require Mathematics Literacy.
  • Each course has its own requirements so you are likely to meet the general requirements but not the programme specific requirements.

The table below also shows the General Performance level for entry to a specific level of study.

Results format for the new NSC-G and the minimum admission requirements for TUT:

1Outstanding Achievement80-100
2Meritorious Achievement70-79
3Degree Substantial Achievement60-69
4Diploma Adequate Achievement50-59
5Foundation Moderate Achievement40-49
6Elementary Achievement30-39
7Not Achieved0-29
TUT Requirements NSC – Gaps your profile ​

You can also check the TUT Prospectus to know the full requirements for the application.

TUT Application Fees

The TUT application fee is R240 which must reach the Tshwane University of Technology on time before the closing date of the application. You can make this payment through a direct bank deposit, internet transfer, or by using postal order.

Below are the banking details for the Tshwane University of Technology.

Bank: Absa
Account No: 04 000 0003
Reference No: Applicant’s ID number

Please, it is very important to also cross-check the banking details above with the ones on the Tshwane University of Technology’s official payment information page before making any payment.

You must also note that this application fee is not refundable in case your application is unsuccessful.

The R240 application fee is only refundable for valid reasons. Valid reasons for instance, if a prospective student fails Grade 12, he or she gets a refund.

Other Payments

A confirmation fee of R500 must be paid as soon as you receive your confirmation letter.

An upfront registration fee of R1,500 is also payable during registration. New students who already paid their R500 confirmation fee, only have to pay R1,000 for registration.

If a student cancels during the registration period, he or she gets 100% credit and forfeits R240 of the class deposit.

A full refund is also allowed if the student no longer qualifies for a programme or has been excluded from the study.

How to apply to TUT

Even though this article focuses more on the TUT Online Application, I will quickly give a simple guide to those who want to apply by traditional post mail. No matter which option you want, simply follow the instructions below.

TUT application by traditional post mail

Since this will mean delivering to an address, first you need the address and a copy of the TUT Application form to fill out.

First, you have to download the TUT Application form here. It is in PDF format so you can easily print it out anywhere.

The form is not year specific so no matter the year of application, you can always use the same form. Since it provides space for you to enter a particular year, you don’t have to worry about dates at all.

Carefully fill out the form with the required information and submit it along with a copy of your identity documents to the address below.


If you want to post your application through traditional post mail, then use this address;

Tshwane University of Technology 
Private Bag X680
Pretoria 0001

If for some reason you would like to deliver your application to the University by yourself, then use the following address.

Central Admissions Office
Building 21-LG20
Pretoria Campus
Staatsartillerie Road
Pretoria West


Your package must contain the following items;

  • Carefully completed application form
  • Recently certified (certification must not be older than a year)copies of your original identity document
  • Copies of National Senior Certificates and/or Any of your highest academic results.
  • A copy of your application fee receipt.

TUT online application

If you have already filed your application but didn’t follow up, don’t use this procedure to file another application. Instead, use the TUT readmission application process to file for readmission.

Since this is an online application, you must prepare a scanned copy of the following:

  • Recently certified (certification must not be older than a year) identity document.
  • National Senior Certificates and/or any of your highest academic results
  • A scanned copy of your application fee receipt.

Don’t forget to also have an active internet connection and email address.

The TUT online application is done via a system called the TUT ITS enabler. I have a full article on the TUT ITS Enabler. You might also want to check it out.

This captures all the necessary information that you will later use at TUT when your application is successful so you must be very honest with your submissions.

  • The first step to starting the TUT online application is to visit the ITS Enabler Application Form Portal. The page should look similar to the image below. I have a full article on the TUT ITS Enabler. You can check that article out in case you are finding it difficult to access or operate the platform.
  • Click on the “APPLY NOW” button. You should be on a form that is similar to the one in the screenshot below.
  • Simply continue by answering the questions that apply to you from the drop-down. Since it is an auto-matching system, it will match you to the right form for your application based on your answers.
  • Make sure you read all terms and conditions before filling out the forms. Even a tiny mistake could reduce your chances to 0% so make sure you read everything.

Since you will have to read all terms and conditions, allocate about thirty minutes to one hour for completing the TUT Online Application.

If you filed an application earlier. You don't have to file another one. Simply follow this TUT readmission guide to get your application to the Tshwane University of Technology.

How to check your TUT online application status

At this juncture, you might probably have completed your application about a week or weeks earlier.

This is how you can check your TUT online application status.

The Tshwane University of Technology’s ITS Enabler comes into play again so you simply have to visit the TUT ITS Enabler Online Application Status Checker Link. The page should look similar to the image below.


If for some reason you already have an ID Number, then simply input and submit to proceed. If you don’t have an ID Number yet, enter your Surname, Full Name, and Date of Birth.

After submission, you should be able to check and know if your application is successful or still pending.

You should also learn about other university application processes. You might need it. I wrote an earlier guide for the Stellenbosch Universitey online application. You should read that to learn more about the application process. 

TUT accommodation application

Another critical thing we must carefully look at is the TUT accommodation. It is quite important, especially for international applicants and those who do not reside closer to any TUT campus. TUT just like any other University has accommodation options for the applicants.

Accommodation application for first-year students

The application process for new applicants is very simple.

All you have to do is to indicate on your TUT admission application form that you want to apply for residence and that is it. The applicants will be selected based on the unconditional acceptance of full-time academic qualifications offered at TUT.

If too many applicants get selected under this condition, then the application will be further selected by the date of unconditional acceptance by the faculty.

Accommodation application for returning students

Returning students will have to file for residence before October of the year prior to the study. It is very important to follow this procedure carefully else residence is not guaranteed.

To apply, simply access “Residence Application” from your TUT ITS Enabler dashboard or simply visit this link: and log in with your ITS Enabler logins.

Accommodation application requirements

All applicants must meet these requirements in order to get successful admission. If you don’t meet any of these requirements, you might probably not get a residence.

  • The student should have obtained a minimum academic average of 50% (55% in the case of senior residences) for the full academic year or must have passed all semester and year courses;
  • The student should not exceed the maximum number of years allowed to reside in any TUT residence. The maximum number of years is the minimum number of academic years required by TUT to complete a qualification successfully plus one additional year;
  • The student must be registered for a minimum of two subjects. (Subjects registered for non-degree purposes will not be taken into account.);
  • have settled all outstanding fees or made arrangements with TUT Student Finance;

All other students who wish to apply for accommodation can also use the application link. The application must be filed at the beginning of the year that the residence is required. However, the application will only be considered if first-year and returning students are fully accommodated.

Always make sure you follow the above procedure to file your accommodation application.

TUT online application FAQs

This is where I will answer most of the questions you might be asking right now. I will try as much to answer all possible questions you might have in mind. However, if I am unable to answer all your questions, use the comment box to ask any question you wish to ask.

How long does TUT take to respond to applications?

TUT will respond to your applications within 21 days. During this period, the application will go through various review stages. In case you must provide additional documents, TUT will reach out to you through the email or phone number you provided on your tut application form.
It is very important to provide accurate and all required information on the form to avoid any delay in processing your application.
Always check your email so you can reply to all TUT emails that demand your attention as early as possible.

How do I know if I’m accepted at TUT?

There are so many ways you will know if you have been accepted to study at TUT. First, you can check your mail for a confirmation message from TUT. You can also check your TUT application status using the TUT ITS Enabler. This will help you to know you have been accepted to study at the Tshwane University of Technology.
Make sure you always check your email and application status to avoid delays in accepting your offers.

What does unconditional acceptance mean at TUT?

Unconditional acceptance at TUT simply means you have been accepted to study without any conditions. You don’t have to appear for interviews, take a selection test, or do any other assignment that comes as a condition to get accepted.
Your unconditional acceptance allows you to register during the January – February registration window period.

Does TUT have student accommodation?

Yes!. The Tshwane University of Technology has accommodation for students at very affordable rates. You can easily apply for accommodation during your application process. All you have to do is indicate on your form that you will apply for residence and TUT will take care of the rest.
If you are a returning student, simply check the procedure in the above topic about the TUT accommodation application.

If you are filing your TUT online application, just not that there are TUT vacancies you can also apply to. I have written a full tutorial about that. 


In short, make sure you submit your application on time. Also, note that there is no difference between the requirements for both online applications and post applications.

Make sure you check your TUT online application status often to know when you can start going for your registration.

If you would like to apply to a different university, you can also check the University of Pretoria Online Application process.

If you have any questions or suggestions, kindly leave a comment below.

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