Wits Sakai: The E-Learning Portal For Wits

Wits Sakai is the Learning Management System (LMS) for the University of Witswatersrand. Here is everything you must know about the Sakai before using it.

What is Sakai?

Sakai generally is an Open-Source Software platform designed to support teaching and learning online.

This software is in 19 different languages and many tertiary institutions across the world use this platform.

The software provides an e-learning environment for both staff and students to upload and download content.

It also helps students to take quizzes and exams without face-to-face contact with their lecturers.

Wits Sakai And How to Use

There are so many things students and staff can do with the Wits Sakai. The following are some of the major things you can do with the platform.

  • Students can download course materials and research works through the Sakai.
  • Lecturers can also prepare and upload course materials to the platform for students.
  • There is also exams and quiz function that allow students to take exams and quiz remotely outside the classroom walls.

How To Log into Wits Sakai

Wits Sakai login page

To sign in, simply follow the procedure below and you should successfully log into the Sakai.

  1. Visit the Sakai Log In Page. (The page should look similar to the image above)
  2. Enter your User ID (Student ID)
  3. Key in your password
  4. Click on the “Log In” button

You should successfully log into the platform now.

How To Avoid Problems Taking Tests

Since taking tests is the major use of the Sakai, it is key to know certain actions that could cause you problems so you can avoid them.

Below are some of the things you should do so you don’t get problems using the platform.

  • Do not open multiple windows or browsers. Opening multiple instances will cause you to submit your answers incorrectly and your timer will be incorrect too.
  • Save your answers frequently. The save button is below the page so always scroll and save your answers. This will help you to continue from where you saved in case something happens.
  • Use reliable internet connections since the interruption in connection could cause you to lose your answers and also waste your time.
  • Open the questions only if you are ready to answer them.
  • Do not use the back or forward browser buttons. This will refresh the entire page and could cause your answers to submit automatically.
  • Always interact with the system since it will timeout if you don’t do so. This also means your answer will submit automatically or you might even lose them completely.
  • Always wait for your Confirmation Number after clicking “Submit for Grading” else your answers might not be recorded.

If you always follow the above carefully, you should be able to avoid all problems.

Sometimes, you won’t look for problems but problems will find you anyway. In times like that, call the Wits Students Help Desk: 011 717 1717 or email: [email protected]


In short, this is a very simple guide to help you get around the Wits Sakai. Always make sure you follow the above regulations to avoid problems using the platform.

You might also want to check my article on the Wits Self Service Portal.

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