5 Best Universities In New Zealand

If you landed on this page in search of the best universities in New Zealand, then you are on the right page.

New Zealand has seen some of the best universities in the world. Some of these universities do not only rank best in New Zealand but also across the entire globe.

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Best Universities In New Zealand

The ranking is based on the schools’ research performance and other factors including ratings by the education community globally. You can check the rating methodology from the U.S News website.

1. University Of Auckland – 67.9 Global Score

The University Of Auckland - Best University In New Zealand
The University Of Auckland – Best University In New Zealand

The University of Auckland is the best university in New Zealand according to the ranking table. When it comes to research and facilities, the University of Auckland is undoubtedly top-notch.

UA has consistently ranked among the top 100 universities globally for a long time hence making it the best. It has also been considered the largest university in New Zealand.

Since it is the largest, it is also appropriate for it to have many campuses to house the over 40,000 students the school boasts of.

The school has many resources and staff to facilitate quality education for all students. This contributes a lot to the success of the school.

If you wish to study at the University of Auckland which is also one of the best Universities in New Zealand, then follow my tutorial for The University of Auckland application.

2. University Of Otago – 61.2 Global Score

The University of Otago is ranked the second-best global university in New Zealand. This institution ranks as one of the best locally.

The school boasts of producing most of the successful graduates for the workforce in the country. Over 20,500 students are currently enrolled.

The school boasts of having one of the most beautiful campuses in the world and also having very innovative facilities to help to learn. The facilities and resources available to students contribute greatly to the success rate of the school.

The list of the best universities in New Zealand could not be complete without the University of Otago. You can follow my previous article about the University of Otago application to file an application to study at Otago.

3. The University Of Canterbury – 56.1 Global Score

The university ranks third among the world’s best universities in New Zealand with a global score of 56.1. The university is well known for performing very well in the Engineering field.

According to history, the University of Canterbury is the second oldest university in New Zealand. The university offers a wide range of courses for both local and international students.

There are also lots of campuses to create a serene learning environment for students. Above all, the school also boasts the largest school library in New Zealand. In addition, there are very innovative Engineering facilities available to students hence making the school the best when it comes to Engineering.

I have a full tutorial on how to apply to study at the University of Canterbury. You should also check that out. This is one of the best universities in New Zealand and I do not think you would like to miss an opportunity to study there.

4. Auckland University of Technology – 54.3 Global Score

AUT is the second-largest university in New Zealand. The university boasts over 29,000 students enrolled in addition to the over 4,000 international students from 94 countries.

The university is the largest of the University of Auckland and also has some amazing campuses. Since the student population is very high, there were many campuses to create that serene environment for learning.

The university also offers a wide range of courses and has lots of innovative facilities to support the quality of learning and research.

5. Victoria University Of Wellington – 49.2 Global Score

Everything You Must Know About Victoria University Of Wellington
Everything You Must Know About Victoria University Of Wellington

Victoria University of Wellington is a university in the heart of Wellington. The university has been ranked one of the top universities in New Zealand by the QS university rating.

VUW is known internationally for its high-grade research. Since the university has a name for quality research, the school has lots of research facilities to aid the quality of its research.

VUW is currently ranked the 5th Best Global University in New Zealand.

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