How To Get 100% Value For Money On Facebook Ads

Facebook ads have been the major sources of income for my business for the past four years and I always get 100% value for my money. This is how I do it.

First of all getting value for money is key to every business and blogging is not exception. Value for money here means you are getting atleast twice the money you are spending on the ads.

Before you will be able to get value for money you must know how Facebook ads work like the back of your palm. I will also list some of the things you need to know before starting your ads.

What Are You Selling?

Basically, before you start running your ad, you must know what you selling. Every business and what they want to achieve with their ads. Some do sell online contents, softwares, video tutorials, online shops, etc. Others also prefer customers visit their physical location and yes of course your ads can direct people to your physical location.

What Is Your Goal With Facebook Ads?

What exactly do you want to get from your ads? . Is it traffic, sales or what?

Facebook gives you the opportunity to choose exactly which goal you would like to achieve with your Facebook ads. Driving traffic to your website, video views, driving customers to your physical location, getting customers to take action on your sales page, etc.

Even if you just want to get people talking about business on social media, there is still options for that as well.

Who Are Your Target Audience?

Who is your target audience? This is very key if you want to get value for money. Running an ad to everyone on Facebook is very easy but it might feel like; “casting hook with fish bait into a goat pen”. You will end up fishing nothing because goats don’t eat fish baits.

Knowing your target audience comes from knowing what you are selling and the goal you want to achieve with your ads.

For instance; Assuming I’m selling Tecno Camon 12 Pro Screen Protector coating, my target customers will be people who are already using Tecno Camon 12 Pro in a selected area where I can deliver the product without extra costs.

Another example: If I want traffic to my Technology blog, I will only look out for audience that is interested in the article I want to boost and boost it to a selected town, city, or country.

The larger the audience you select the less likely you will make profit. The smaller the audience, the more likely you will make profit.

Recommended Course For Value

One more thing to keep you on your toes running and managing ads on Facebook is taking courses. I recommend Facebook Masterclass course on Udemy courses to you. It cost me only $10.99 to take this course but trust me, I’ve made over $5,000 in extra profits after taking this course.

Use this link to get discount on your course purchase.

Taking the course will make you get a grip on your Facebook advertising strategy and also help you with how to program and target the audience that are key to your business.

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